October 2013 has arrived!
A Splendorous, Splendiferous, & Splendacious Month!
It's time to celebrate with Rita of Jewel School Friends in the Home & Hearth Blog Hop about Beads, Jewelry, Home Decor, Food, Family & Friends!!!
October has always been a special month in my life.
#1 I was born in October - Yahoo! :) 53 years ago - Boohoo! :( Time is moving on!
#2 I got married in October - Yeehaw! 32 years ago :) We thought we were so OLD - 21 & 23 yrs!
Oh, to be that young again :)
#4 The weather finally gets cooler & the leaves change in October - Yeah! Only in our area not as much as further north.
#5 I'm getting ready for my first jewelry show in November, so I've been working in my "spare" time. Here are a few of the pendants.
#6 Pumpkins become plentiful & can finally be purchased to make yummy Pumpkin Butter - MMgood!
#7 Lastly, here is a pumpkin pie recipe I hope you enjoy!
Pumpkin Pie
Pumpkin pie has never been a favorite of mine until now. I have altered several recipes until I came up with one that is tasty not blah. If any of you try it, I would love your feedback on what you think.
- 1 1/4 cups all purpose flour
- 1 stick of chilled butter cut into pieces & slightly softened (not quite at room temp)
- 1/2 cup of powdered sugar
- 3 Tbsp. heavy whipping cream
- 1 tsp. vanilla
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
- Sift flour & powdered sugar together.
- Cut in butter until mixture is crumbly either in the mixer, food processor or with a whisk (you choose - I prefer my Kitchen Aid mixer).
- Add vanilla & whipping cream until dough clumps.
- Form dough up by hand into a nice ball & then flatten. Wrap with Seran Wrap (plastic), place in glass pie pan & chill both for about 15-30 min.
- Remove from refrigerator, roll out dough on a floured surface until about 14-inches round.
- Place dough in glass 9-inch pie dish. Trim edges.
- Line crust edge with foil, bake for about 15 minutes, until crust is pale brown.
- 2 solid packed cups of fresh mashed pumpkin or a 16 oz can of pumpkin
- 3 Tbsp packed brown sugar
- 3/4 cup sugar
- 2 1/2 tsp cinnamon
- 1/4 tsp nutmeg
- 3/4 tsp ground ginger
- 1/4 tsp salt
- 1 Tbsp vanilla
- 3 large eggs
- 3/4 cup heavy whipping cream
- 1/2 cup sour cream
- 1-2 Tbsp corn starch or flour
- Mix brown sugar, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, salt, vanilla, corn starch until well mixed.
- Add in pumpkin, blend until no lumps.
- Add in whipping cream & sour cream.
- Add in eggs.
- Mix well, pour into pie shell.
- Bake until filling puffs at the edges and center is almost set, about 45 min. Remove foil from crust, bake another 10 min.
- Chill until cold or serve warm.
- 2 Tbsp sugar
- 1/4 cup heavy whipping cream
- Place mixing bowl & whipping cream in freezer for about 10-20 minutes.
- Remove, & whisk in sugar until stiff peaks form.
- Dollop each piece of pie with "cream"!
- To reduce sweet, reduce brown sugar to 1-2 Tbsp & sugar to 1/2 cup.
- To reduce fat, use half-n-half instead of heavy whipping cream & use reduced fat or no fat sour cream.
I, of course, feel that if you are going to eat sweets, you might as well do it right & enjoy the moment! Then walk, walk, walk or exercise! so you can enjoy another "moment". :)
Now it's time to go blog hopping! Thank you Rita for putting this wonderful hop together! :)
Caroline http:// Carolynscreationswa.blogspot.com
Andrea Glick-Zenith http://zenithjade.blogspot.com/
Dolores Raml http://craftydscreations.wordpress.com/
Karla Morgan http://TexasPepperJams.blogspot.com ME
Susie Harris http://jewelleryjunkie.blogspot.com/
Susan http://libellulajewelry.com
Mischelle http://micheladasmusings.blogspot.com/
Billi http://billi-rs-rothove.blogspot.com/
Kay Thomerson http://kayzkreationz.blogspot.com/
Jean Yates http://prettykittydogmoonjewelry.blogspot.com/
Kelly Hosford Patterson http://travelingsideshow.blogspot.com
Kathy Lindemer http://bay-moon-design.blogspot.com
Liz E http://beadcontagion.blogspot.com
Jasvanti Patel http://jewelrybyjasvanti.blogspot.com
Christie Murrow www.charisdesignsjewelry.blogspot.com
Jodie Marshall http://marshalljodie.blogspot.com/
Andrea Trank http://heavenlanecreations.com/
Dini Bruinsma http://angazabychanges.blogspot.nl
Elsie Deliz Fonseca http://ladelizchica.blogspot.com/
Pepita www.pepita-handmade.blogspot.com
Karla Morgan http://texaspepperjams.blogspot.com/
Kathleen http://99bobotw.blogspot.com/
Vera Lynn http://veradesigns.blogspot.com/
Rana Wilson http://ranaleadesigns.blogspot.com/
Catherine King http://catherines-musings.blogspot.com/
Lily Vincent http://thecreativeklutz.blogspot.co.uk/
Janice Hidey (Janimar) http://drawingthelinesomewhere.com/
Cory Tompkins http://TealwaterDesigns.blogspot.com
Candida Castleberry www.spunsugarbeadworks.blogspot.com
Cynthia Kent Machata http://antiquitytravelers.blogspot.com/
Alicia Marinache http://www.allprettythings.ca
Linda Anderson http://fromTheBeadBoard.blogspot.com
Leah Curtis http://beadyeyedbunny.blogspot.com/
Jennifer Reno (JenRen) http://jenrenjewelry.blogspot.com/
Robin Reed http://willowdragon.blogspot.com/
Tanty Sri Hartanti www.tjewellicious.blogspot.com
Lisa Lodge http://gratefulartist.blogspot.com/
Ingrid A. http://lilisgems.wordpress.com/
Judy Turner www.silver-rains.blogspot.com
Gina Hockett http://freestyleelements.blogspot.com/
Nelly May www.smellynelly.blogspot.com
Tanya McGuire http://tanyamcguire.blogspot.com/
Ahowin http://www.blog.ahowinjewelry.com
Sonya Stille http://dreaminofbeads.blogspot.com
Pam http://www.klassyjoolz.blogspot.com
Carol D. http://dillmansdallies.blogspot.com/
Asri Wahyuningsih http://asribeadwork.blogspot.com/
Ginger Bishop http://lilmummylikes.blogspot.com
Janine http://www.esfera.me/travel/blog/travel-stories
Shaiha Williams http://shaihasramblings.blogspot.com/
Toltec Jewels (Rita, our hostess) www.JewelSchoolFriends.com
Now it's time to go blog hopping! Thank you Rita for putting this wonderful hop together! :)
Caroline http:// Carolynscreationswa.blogspot.c
Andrea Glick-Zenith http://zenithjade.blogspot.com
Dolores Raml http://craftydscreations.wordp
Karla Morgan http://TexasPepperJams.blogspo
Susie Harris http://jewelleryjunkie.blogspo
Susan http://libellulajewelry.com
Mischelle http://micheladasmusings.blog
Billi http://billi-rs-rothove.blogsp
Kay Thomerson http://kayzkreationz.blogspot.
Jean Yates http://prettykittydogmoonjewe
Kelly Hosford Patterson http://travelingsideshow.blogs
Kathy Lindemer http://bay-moon-design.blogspo
Liz E http://beadcontagion.
Jasvanti Patel http://jewelrybyjasvanti.blog
Christie Murrow www.charisdesignsjewelry.blogs
Jodie Marshall http://marshalljodie.blogspot.
Andrea Trank http://heavenlanecreations.co
Dini Bruinsma http://angazabychanges.blogsp
Elsie Deliz Fonseca http://ladelizchica.blogspot.c
Pepita www.pepita-handmade.blogspot.c
Karla Morgan http://texaspepperjams.blogsp
Kathleen http://99bobotw.blogspot.com/
Vera Lynn http://veradesigns.blogspot.co
Rana Wilson http://ranaleadesigns.blogspot
Catherine King http://catherines-musings.blog
Lily Vincent http://thecreativeklutz.blogsp
Janice Hidey (Janimar) http://drawingthelinesomewhere
Cory Tompkins http://TealwaterDesigns.blogsp
Candida Castleberry www.spunsugarbeadworks.blogsp
Cynthia Kent Machata http://antiquitytravelers.blo
Alicia Marinache http://www.allprettythings.ca
Linda Anderson http://fromTheBeadBoard.blogs
Leah Curtis http://beadyeyedbunny.blogspot
Jennifer Reno (JenRen) http://jenrenjewelry.
Robin Reed http://willowdragon.blogspot.c
Tanty Sri Hartanti www.tjewellicious.blogspot.
Lisa Lodge http://gratefulartist.blogspo
Ingrid A. http://lilisgems.wordpress.co
Judy Turner www.silver-rains.blogspot.com
Gina Hockett http://freestyleelements.blogs
Nelly May www.smellynelly.blogspot.com
Tanya McGuire http://tanyamcguire.blogspot.c
Ahowin http://www.blog.
Sonya Stille http://dreaminofbeads.blogspot
Pam http://www.klassyjoolz.blogsp
Carol D. http://dillmansdallies.blogsp
Asri Wahyuningsih http://asribeadwork.blogspot.
Ginger Bishop http://lilmummylikes.blogspot.
Janine http://www.esfera.me/travel/bl
Shaiha Williams http://shaihasramblings.blogs
Toltec Jewels (Rita, our hostess) www.JewelSchoolFriends.com