Thursday, December 6, 2012

It's Time To Celebrate The Three "F's"!

It's December and most people are focusing on celebrating the Christmas season. I, however, am looking forward to celebrating Friendships. Along with that, I love two things that can be found during this time of the year: Fruit Cake and Flowers (Poinsettias to be exact!). Probably the only thing the last two have in common is the red and green colors found in each.


Friendships are vital to our humanity. We need them to satisfy basic human needs, like food and water, but in this crazy busy world we live in, sometimes friendships are relegated to the back of the line. They get pushed aside because our focus becomes slightly self-centered. In order to have friends, we have to be a friend. I think this time of year is a good time to count our blessings for friends we have, but also to reassess our circumstances and what's most important. So that's what I'm doing. First, counting my blessings. Then, asking myself:  1) Just how good of a friend am I?   2) What changes can I make to become a better friend?  3)Can I develop new friendships?

Fruit Cake

On another note, I love to eat good, moist (definitely not dry & caked), fresh fruit cake. It holds a special place in my heart because it reminds me of my grandmother. She loved making fruit cake with the candied green and red cherries. They weren't especially my favorites, but in her buttery fruit cake straight out of the oven with a cold glass of milk, who cared?! This year I'm hoping to enjoy homemade fruit cake & think of my grandmother!


Lastly, Poinsettias are in bloom! They aren't just red anymore, but come in unique colors; pink, yellow, white and bi-colors. A few years ago, I had a Poinsettia topiary. It survived for a couple of years. Which in Poinsettia life is pretty good. So this year, I'm looking for a trio of colors to plant together to enjoy the beauty of color.


  1. Lovely reminder of some special considerations for a special time of year, Karla. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could extend that "goodwill towards men" throughout the year?

    Your grandmother must have been an outstanding baker... aren't they always? I remember Mémère's kitchen with its huge built-in flour bin (I think it held over a hundred pounds. Big families!)

    Here in chilly Atlantic Canada, our poor poinsettia plants have a hard life, and usually a short one. They provide a splash of colour at the Holidays, but it is the rare home where they receive the right blend of attention and expertise to become a long-term visitor!

    (Thanks for dropping by my blog, Karla. I hope you WILL try polymer clay some day. I find it's a wonderful combination of artistic expression, problem-solving and even therapy!)

  2. Thanks Monique for the uplifting comments!

    Yes, I totally agree we should show "goodwill towards men" all year round not just one or two months out of the year.

    I'm sorry the Poinsettia doesn't grow well in your area. In Texas, we have the same problem especially during the summer when temperatures soar to over 100 degrees. Then many plants have to be moved inside to survive. That's why the Poinsettia topiary I had didn't make it - way too hot & I was out of town. No one here to move it inside :( But oh well, se la vi.

    I have joined your blog so I can follow you & hopefully ask questions on the polymer when I get a chance to work with it.

    For me beading, wire work, stained glass, etc... are all artistic expression & forms of relaxation therapy. I haven't sold or even listed any of my pieces because I have a hard time parting with them. But several friends have asked me to, so I may break down & do so. Then others can enjoy them as well. I guess it's nice to share!

    Have a nice day! Thanks again for stopping by!

  3. Great post about friends, treasuring them and trying to be better friends. Fruitcake, I'm not a big fan. But poinsettias are wonderful. I've been looking for one to take home with me, too.


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