Cindy Wimmer of Sweet Bead Studio put this Swap together & assigned out the partners. She had a huge job ahead of her with so many signed up but looks like she did a fabulous job. Hopefully it is a huge success & we can do this again!
My partner, Mary Govaars from California, sent me some wonderfully interesting buttons in a cute little tin. Love them! I used one of the vintage buttons & the bear paw. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture of the tin. It's at home in New Braunfels, TX & I'm in New Orleans, LA. So there will be no picture of it at this time. Sorry Mary!
I really had several things planned for these buttons but time became a constraint. I know that's a hard one to believe in this busy day & age. So I ended up only doing one of the things I had planned. In our business of Texas Pepper Jams we sample our candies at festivals, market days & other shows. So I wanted to do something that would coordinate with that.
Thanks to Cindy & Mary, I now have a unique sample plate for our Hot Pepper Fudge. I will somehow have to protect the buttons & beads from small children fingers that will want to play with them.
Below is the list of participants for everyone to check out. Enjoy & happy blogging. I really look forward to visiting everyone's blogs & seeing pictures & of course, new ideas!
Thanks again to Cindy Wimmer for this exciting new experience & all her hard work!